Be sure to start your workout with these exercises. They will protect you from injury

Fitness·19 January, 2023

Before starting the main part of the lesson, the body needs to be prepared.

Damil Sharafutdinov

is a professional fighter of the league "Our business"

I advise you to start every workout, even athletics, with stretching, and only then switch to a full warm-up. I always try to come 10 minutes before the start of the class to stretch my muscles well. With frequent workouts without stretching, flexibility begins to decrease: the muscles become less elastic, and the amplitude of movements decreases.

The main task of the warm—up is to warm up the body and prepare it for the upcoming workout. This is a very important element that should not be neglected, because the effectiveness of the lesson directly depends on the functional readiness of the whole organism. A good and proper warm–up can make a workout effective, and most importantly - safe. This part of the lesson should last 10-15 minutes.

How to do a warm-up correctly?

After a good stretch, it is better to start the warm-up with an ankle warm-up, and then switch to light running. While running, it is better to perform exercises for about 30 seconds each.

  1. Running with a side step left side.
  2. Running with a side step on the right side.
  3. A spade for the leg with the left side.
  4. A spade for the leg with the right side.
  5. Circular head rotations.
  6. Elbow rotation.
  7. Warm-up of the wrist joint and hand.
  8. Circular rotations with straight arms forward and backward.
  9. Tilts forward and backward, right and left.
  10. Rotations of the body to the left and right.
  11. Circular rotations of the pelvis.
  12. Swing your feet forward.
  13. Circular rotations of the knee joint.
  14. Stretching of the calf muscles.
  15. Squat with the leg moving away.
  16. Stretching of the Achilles tendon.
  17. Lunges.

After such a warm-up, you can safely start training.


What is the danger of not warming up?

The most common problem is sprains. A very unpleasant and painful syndrome, because of which athletes drop out of training for a long time.

An even more serious problem is joint injury. If you practice on a "cold" joint, there is a high risk of damaging it. The danger lies not only in the duration of recovery, but also in the fact that the injured joint will remind itself constantly. Due to improper loads, knees, ankles, shoulders and hip joints often suffer.

Source:  championat

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