How to run your first half marathon with pleasure. 8 important steps

Fitness·19 January, 2023

Together with the head coach of the Running Community, we figured out how to make a long distance as comfortable as possible.

This weekend, August 7, St. Petersburg will host the St. Petersburg half marathon "Northern Capital". Romantic atmosphere, majestic embankments and famous bridges – the event inspires thousands of runners to new sports victories every year. Someone is planning to update their personal record, and someone has set a goal just to conquer the distance. If this year you join the half marathon only as a spectator, but you are serious about going to the start in the future, together with the senior coach of the "Running Community" Sergey Korneev, we tell you how to prepare for your first half marathon in order to get real pleasure from the process.

A half marathon is a serious goal for a novice runner. In many ways, your future plans for preparing for the marathon will depend on how you run this distance. A half marathon is a kind of readiness test and a test of strength. Therefore, training before your first "half" should be approached responsibly.

Start in advance

21.1 km is a distance that cannot be reached without preparation. This is a serious burden on the body, so it needs to be thoroughly prepared for such tests.

Sergey Korneev

the head coach of the Running Community

The most important thing is to start training smoothly, without raising the bar and without setting too ambitious goals. Before starting classes, it is very important to adequately assess the level of your physical fitness and build training based on
this. The optimal time for preparation is at least six months, provided that you have already had experience of jogging, and a year – if you have not run at all. I would recommend novice runners to run 10 km in the framework of the St. Petersburg half marathon "Northern Capital". You will be inspired by the atmosphere and get a boost of motivation to prepare for a more serious distance.


Take your time

You should not force the preparation for the half marathon, because this will lead not only to unwanted injuries, but also to dissatisfaction with your result. The best solution would be to contact a professional trainer. The specialist will write out an individual plan based on your physical fitness, monitor the training process, give recommendations on nutrition, equipment, and help avoid injuries.

Don't skip workouts

Regularity is the key to success, so do not be tempted to skip a workout. If you feel that you are tired and you do not have the strength – tell the coach about it, he will help to adjust the plan and make the preparation process comfortable. Do not forget about recovery – massage and sauna will become assistants in the fight against muscle pain.

Have fun

If you plan to run your first 21.1 km, the goal may just be the finish line, regardless of the time. Run for fun without focusing on speed. Pay attention to the support of the fans, the sights of the city – enjoy the moment! To run long distances quickly, you first need to learn how to confidently overcome them at a slow pace.

Eat right

During the preparation for the half marathon, try to eat right. Long-distance running requires a lot of energy, which must be regularly compensated. You can help your body during preparation by building a competent nutrition system. Try to eat in a balanced way and exclude fast food, carbonated drinks and alcohol from your diet.

Sergey: A few days before the start, you should not abuse fried, spicy and fatty. Try to include carbohydrate foods in your diet – rice, potatoes, pasta and buckwheat. Eating in the morning before the start should not be too heavy, otherwise discomfort during running is possible. Porridge or something similar is ideal.

Do not forget about vitamins

In addition, with serious physical exertion, our body loses a lot of fluid, and with it, useful minerals. Before you start training, take all the necessary tests and visit a doctor. The specialist will select the optimal plan for taking the necessary trace elements that will help in achieving the result.


Take care of the equipment

Yes, at first glance, this advice seems too obvious, however, as practice shows, many novice runners go to the start in sneakers that do not fit in size, or in clothes that begin to rub after you sweat.

Sergey: Today there are many sports equipment centers where specialists will help you with the selection of suitable equipment. In it you will run your first half marathon comfortably and with pleasure.

The most important thing is to choose clothes according to the weather, and also take into account the pace of your running. Dress as if it's 10°C warmer outside than the thermometer shows. Do not neglect the choice of accessories for running. A sports watch, a special running bag, glasses and even compression socks can make your first half marathon much more comfortable. The main thing is not to overdo it and choose what is really necessary.

Motivate yourself

If a few weeks before the half marathon you felt that motivation began to disappear, and it becomes more and more difficult to go out for training – this is not the time to stop.

Sergey: At such moments, I advise you to turn to your like-minded people. As a rule, friends, relatives, sports teammates or a coach will always support and find the right words that will help to regain motivation and achieve the desired result.

And finally, decide on the goal, imagine more often how you enjoy running at a distance and finish successfully. Keep this picture in your head: it will give strength and motivation before the next workout.

Source:  championat

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