How to train girls with big breasts. 2 important factors that should not be overlooked

Lifestyle·19 January, 2023

Some exercises in this case will be undesirable.

It is not easy for girls with large breasts to choose a sport that would not cause discomfort. In addition, the choice of clothing and equipment for training can cause difficulties. The expert told what kind of sports you should do and how to choose the right sconce.

Karu Karuyev

Brand Manager Demix

He talks about what is important to consider in training and how to choose a sconce.



Breast anatomy

The most important thing to understand about the anatomy of the breast: it is two leather "bags" with glands and fatty tissue inside — they are attached to the pectoral muscles. At the same time, there are no muscles inside the breast, the mammary glands are penetrated only by ligaments (Cooper's ligaments), that is, fibers from collagen and elastin. In general, the fixation of the mammary glands to the chest is rather weak.

Ligaments cannot be inflated or trained, but their elasticity can be maintained. High-intensity active workouts, during which the chest fluctuates or moves to the sides, on the contrary, stretch the ligaments. And if up to 30 years of natural protein synthesis allows tissues to maintain shape, with age collagen and elastin are produced less and less. In combination with outdoor sports, this can lead to sagging breasts.


Proper underwear

The first rule of sports is the use of a special wall lamp. Moreover, this rule applies to all girls, regardless of breast size. It's just that the owners of curvy forms need to approach the choice of a bra more responsibly.

In the line of sports brands, there are sconces with three types of support: light, medium and high. At any sport activity — it doesn't matter if it's high—intensity training or swimming - you need to wear a sports bra.

  • Easy support is suitable for girls who do stretching or yoga.
  • The average support is more likely for running or strength training.
  • And high support is just for girls with big breasts and for high—intensity workouts.

For strong support, special technologies and elastic materials are used in the sconce, which remove moisture well and do not cause discomfort. In sports sconces, unlike everyday ones, there are no internal seams and bones, and support is achieved exclusively by a special design and the use of rigid fabrics. But it is important to remember that a sports bra should not squeeze the chest and restrict movement.

Choosing a workout

The second rule of sports is a competent choice of training. Owners of large breasts should significantly limit running, jumping, straight plank and push-ups from the floor. In other words, any exercises that lead to movement or sagging of the bust. And there are two reasons for this.

  • Firstly, as mentioned above, such a sport stretches Cooper's ligaments — and the effect of training will be rather negative.
  • Secondly, large breasts can weigh five or more kilograms — high-intensity workouts in this case have a serious load on the back muscles. And if the girl did not pay much attention to them before, such exercises become traumatic.

Beginners are better off choosing calm types of fitness that do not involve jumping and do not require high-amplitude movements. The best options are yoga, stretching, swimming, water aerobics, cycling, training with dumbbells lying on your back. Special attention should be paid to the muscles of the back and the press: because of the magnificent bust, they have a high load.

Playing sports has not been a problem for owners of large breasts for a long time. The main thing is to choose the right workout and sports underwear, as well as strengthen the muscles. And then the negative impact of classes will be minimized, and the shape of the breast will remain beautiful longer.

Source:  championat

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