How to get out of zazhor after a long vacation and lose weight? 4 tips from a nutritionist

Nutrition·22 January, 2023

We tell you how to unload the body and switch to proper nutrition.

Elena Doronkina

is a nutritionist, founder of the fruit, vegetable and nutrition delivery service

Holidays are fun and relaxation. Finally, you can take a break from business, fuss and restrictions. But there are also small disadvantages to such a long rest: we completely forget to think about our health.


A festive table is not only delicious and beautiful food, but also a great danger to our body. A feast can harm not by itself, but in combination with a series of holidays and a long rest.

Too much food, alcohol and stress – all this has a negative impact on a person. Sometimes our body simply cannot cope with the number of difficulties assigned to it, and fails.

Therefore, it is worth anticipating such risks in advance. Especially for those who are already ill or susceptible to diseases such as diabetes mellitus, heart and vascular diseases, thrombosis, hypertension, gout. During the New Year's fun, it's easy to forget about your illness or not care about the consequences.

Excessive consumption of alcohol or food during the holidays can initiate inflammation in the body, which will then be difficult to cope with.


A banal consequence after a New Year's feast is overeating and bloating. The feeling of heaviness is the result of excessive consumption of dishes of different fat content and caloric content, a kind of "blow" to the body.

You can avoid the consequences yourself:

  • make a menu in advance and see which products can be replaced with alternative-useful ones. For example, replace the dish with mayonnaise with chicken salad with yogurt;
  • do not sit down at the table hungry – eat something in advance, this will allow you not to lean on all the dishes at once;
  • keep track of your diet yourself. If you are invited to visit, but at the same time you have your own diet – do not hesitate to take the dishes with you. You can treat your guests, and you won't harm your body;
  • try not to drink a lot of alcohol. It is better to drink herbal teas or water.

If the feast still knocked you out of the usual mode, follow these tips.

Don't go on a diet

There is no need to stop eating abruptly after the holidays or go on a strict diet. It will only make it worse. Try to enter the usual "breakfast, lunch, dinner" schedule, supplementing it with fruits, vegetables and healthy foods. It is better for the body if you eat at the same time, so it carefully regulates internal processes.

Normalize sleep

After the holidays, as a rule, our regime gets off – we start going to bed in the morning, and we celebrate and have fun all day and night.


Give your body a rest – go back to your usual schedule and try to fall asleep no later than 12 at night. This way the metabolism will recover faster and the body will return to normal.

Drink, but not alcohol

Forget about alcoholic beverages after the holidays – it's time for water and herbal teas. Winter is well suited for cozy evenings with herbal teas, which will be especially useful for your organs after eating a lot of food.

You also don't have to drink two liters of liquid a day – just make sure that the water is always in sight and you can drink it at any time.

Don't forget about sports

Movement, sports and any physical activity are no less important than the restoration of sleep, water balance and habitual lifestyle.

If you are going somewhere by transport, but you can walk along the road - choose the second option. Is the escalator available in the subway? Go up and down on your own, without standing still. And in shopping malls, use a staircase instead of an elevator.

Try to gradually return to the sports schedule – in combination with other methods, you will help your body recover faster and recharge for the whole coming year.


Don't forget that you need to be in tune with your body all your life, not just this magical holiday week.

Source:  championat

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