How the Chinese eat not to get better: 5 simple rules

Health·30 May, 2023

We share the secrets of Asian slimness.

Rustem Sadykov

nutritionist, gastroenterologist, PhD, clinical pharmacologist

The Chinese have long been admired for their healthy lifestyle and slim figures. The approach to food of this people includes several habits and practices that contribute to weight control without compromising overall well-being.


Plant foods and fiber

Chinese cuisine pays great attention to vegetables, fruits and vegetable proteins, such as tofu and legumes. By including more plant-based foods in your diet, you can benefit from their high fiber content and low calorie content, which contribute to a feeling of fullness and reduce the likelihood of overeating.


Conscious nutrition

In Chinese culture, eating is seen as a ritual to be enjoyed. The practice of mindful eating involves paying attention to the taste, texture and aroma of each piece, as well as listening to the body's signals about hunger and satiety.

An attentive attitude to food contributes to a deeper connection with food and improves the overall impression of food.

Herbal teas

This drink is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and is widely known for its health benefits. Herbal teas such as green tea, oolong and pu-erh are known to help control weight.


They contain natural compounds that improve metabolism, increase fat oxidation and help control appetite. By replacing sugary drinks with herbal teas, you will reduce your calorie intake and get additional health benefits.

Small portions

Chinese cuisine usually includes a variety of dishes served in a family style. Instead of overflowing their plates, the Chinese prefer to enjoy a little of everything.

This practice allows you to consume nutrients in a balanced way, preventing excessive overeating. Consider using smaller plates and bowls to control portion size and take a step towards mindful eating.

Daily physical activity

Chinese culture encourages an active lifestyle. Walking, cycling, tai chi and other forms of physical activity are widespread in China.


Incorporating regular exercise into your routine helps burn calories, speed up your metabolism and build lean muscle mass. Find something to your liking and try to devote at least 30 minutes daily to moderate intensity exercises.



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