What to cook from the remains of New Year's dishes? 7 options from the chef

Nutrition·22 January, 2023

Do not throw away the products in vain.

Benita Strelchenko

Chef, Brand Chef of the ImmunoHealth Clinic of ImmunoHealth

It's no secret that they prepare for the New Year's feast in almost a month. But what to do when the hostess cooked, and the guests did not eat the treats? I offer several options for how to use the remaining products after the holidays.


Casserole of vegetables and herbs

A light casserole of vegetable slices is suitable for breakfast.

You will need:

  • cucumbers;
  • bulgarian pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • dill, parsley;
  • onion or leek;
  • cheese (preferably goat);
  • eggs;
  • milk.


  • cut the vegetables, put them in a baking dish;
  • add the pre-fried onion to the vegetables (but you can do it without it);
  • beat the eggs with milk and pour over the vegetables;
  • sprinkle with cheese;
  • bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Breadcrumbs from sliced bread


  • cut into small cubes;
  • sprinkle with oil;
  • sprinkle with provencal herbs;
  • bake in the oven until golden brown.

It is good to use with any soup, broth and as an independent delicacy. Dried bread can also be used as toast, fried on both sides.

Solyanka from meat cuts

Almost every New Year's table has both olives and pickled cucumbers, which are ideal as ingredients for a hodgepodge. With meat delicacies, you will be able to cook both stewed cabbage and pizza.

Pancakes or mashed potatoes

You can make a casserole, mashed potatoes or potato pancakes from potatoes by simply adding an egg, herbs and fantasy. And potato sticks with cheese, which are prepared simply (additionally, flour, eggs and cheese will be required).


Meat and fish slicing in homemade shawarma

You will need:

  • vegetables;
  • meat or fish slicing;
  • cheese;
  • salad greens.


  • wrap in pita bread;
  • fry on both sides on a grill or grill pan.

Appetizer with celery from baked fish

You will need:

  • fish;
  • celery;
  • greenery;
  • greek yogurt.


  • celery (preferably root) cut into cubes, boil, cool;
  • disassemble the fish so that there are no bones, mash with a fork;
  • add greens;
  • combine with celery;
  • season with Greek yogurt, you can serve it with toast or cucumbers.

Fish slicing will also make a great snack. To do this, an avocado is suitable, which needs to be whipped with lemon juice and served to the fish (it is better to chop finely and sprinkle with lemon juice).

You can also prepare a light fish salad with fresh cucumber, cherry tomatoes and herbs, seasoned with lemon and olive oil.

Fruit compote

You can cook compote from fruits, bake a pie or a cottage cheese casserole. And also use in smoothies with the addition of coconut or almond milk or without milk.

Another option is to cut fruit and cook jam for five minutes, which can be used for cottage cheese, yogurt, toast.

Source:  championat

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