How can push-ups on the uneven bars be harmful? 3 cases when it is better not to approach the projectile

Fitness·19 January, 2023

If you correct these nuances, training will become much more effective.

Egor Khodyrev

fitness trainer

Can training on uneven bars hurt? In which cases is it better to avoid this projectile?



Training on the uneven bars is very effective for pumping the muscles of the chest, triceps and deltoid muscles. However, you can easily hurt yourself if you ignore the peculiarities of training and the individual nuances of your body. Here are three cases when push-ups on the uneven bars should be abandoned.

You do not know the technique of execution

During training on the uneven bars, the entire shoulder-scapular joint receives a strong load. When we go down on the bars to the lower position, the bone in the joint reaches an extreme amplitude of movement. Any extreme amplitude is not good for joint health, and even more so under a load of several tens of kilograms of its own weight. Add to this the wrong technique of execution, and you will get shoulder pain and a decrease in strength indicators. At the initial stage, learn to do push-ups using a fitness elastic band or a gravitron. These aids will take off several kilograms of load. You will be able to work out the correct technique of the exercise to automatism without harm to your health.

You have not healed old injuries

If you have old injuries, sprains, instability and discomfort in your shoulders, you need to heal them before you train on the uneven bars. This is the only way push-ups will benefit, not harm. Build your workouts in such a way that they correspond to your goal, are safe for the musculoskeletal system and correspond to the principle of gradualness - from simple to complex.

Do you have acute pains

In the presence of acute pain in the shoulder-shoulder joint, cervical or thoracic spine, training on the uneven bars will be harmful. In case of any acute pain, it is forbidden to exercise. It is necessary to wait for the acute pain to go away, and then carry out special recovery training. This should be done under the supervision of a doctor and a trainer.


How to make a workout on the uneven bars useful

Learn how to do the exercise correctly. First of all, when doing push–ups on the bars, pay attention to the angle of bending at the elbows - go down to an angle of 90 degrees. Study the difference between training on uneven bars with a narrow set of hands and a wide set. Understanding this will help you achieve an athletic body, avoid injury and progress for many years.

Consult with a competent coach. The test results will allow you to understand the condition of your shoulder blades, whether you need to work on the mobility of the thoracic spine before training on the uneven bars. Maybe you should find an alternative to the bars and replace them with dumbbells, barbells or exercise machines.

Do a warm-up. This rule applies to all types of training with any sports equipment. Warm-up increases the effectiveness of the lesson and protects against injury. Before training on the uneven bars, be sure to do a series of light exercises on the shoulder muscles, especially on the muscles of the rotator cuff of the shoulder.

Make training on the uneven bars as useful as possible for your health. To do this, follow these principles. This way you will save money and time on trips to the doctors. Thoughtless training after a while will manifest itself in the form of injury. Carefully study the information in advance to know what harm you can get from training on the uneven bars and how to avoid it.

If you want to get the most out of push-ups on the uneven bars and achieve high athletic results, eliminate excess weight, learn to control the shoulder blades and pay special attention to training the chest and triceps muscles.

Source:  championat

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