How not to lose shape in the offseason? 5 Exercises for Runners to do at Home

Fitness·19 January, 2023

For those who do not want to train outside in the cold.

Pavel Kondrashev

Running Community Coach

How to train so as not to lose shape in the offseason? What exercises should runners do at home?



The season of street races is coming to an end, and the weather is less and less pleasing every day. Cold wind, rain, and sometimes snow, mud and slush — more and more often I want to stay at home and skip training. We understand! And we do not insist on regular street runs at all.

However, in order not to "hibernate" in the off-season and stay in shape, you should not relax at all. But what you should definitely do is add a few home workouts to your schedule. Today I will share my favorite set of exercises and tell you how to keep in shape if you don't want to go out at all.


We start any workout, of course, with a warm—up - we warm up the muscles and stretch the joints. Jumping rope is perfect for the first one. If there is no jump rope or the space in the apartment does not allow it to be used, you can simulate such jumps or running on the spot. Duration — 10 minutes.

Warming up the muscles, we move on to the joints. It's time to remember school physical education lessons: turns of the head to the right and left, circular rotations of the shoulders and forearms, rotation of the hands, bending of the knees - yes, yes, right now it's all useful. We warm up from top to bottom, the duration is 10 minutes.

Warmed up, warmed up — we proceed to the main part.


Technique of execution

  • We put our feet on the width of the pelvis, keep our back straight.
  • On exhalation, we pull the pelvis back and lower the hips to parallel with the floor. The back should remain flat at the same time.
  • On the inhale, we rise up and linger at the top point for a couple of seconds, additionally straining the buttocks.
  • On exhalation, we go down again.
  • To complicate the exercise, you can squat with dumbbells.

Repeat the exercise 20 times.



Technique of execution

  • The starting position is the prone position.
  • We slowly descend down, bending our arms at the elbow joint. The arms relative to the torso should be at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Then slowly return to the starting position.
  • If it is still difficult to perform regular push—ups, you can do push-ups from the knees - the technique is the same.

Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.


Elbow strap

Technique of execution

  • The starting position is the emphasis lying on the elbows.
  • The elbows should be bent at right angles and in line with the shoulders. We do not bend in the back, we do not lift the pelvis up.
  • If we want to complicate the exercise, we make a dynamic bar. The starting position is the same. We rise from the elbows at point-blank range lying down, then we go down on our elbows and repeat this for one minute.

We perform the exercise for a minute.


Swing your legs while standing

Technique of execution

  • We stand at the support, fix the lower back — there should be no deflections during the exercise.
  • We slowly pull one leg back, then sideways, then forward to the maximum possible level. At the same time, we do not reject the body, we lift the legs straight.
  • If you want to complicate the exercise, add weights.

We do it slowly, slowly, in each direction in turn 10 times. In total, you should get 30 lifts on one leg.


Twisting with swinging foot

Technique of execution

  • We lie down on our backs, put our hands behind our heads and bend our knees. The feet rest on the floor.
  • We begin to perform twisting: slightly lift the body, the right elbow stretches to the left knee, and the knee tends to the elbow.
  • We try to lift only the upper part of the back so that the shoulder blades come off the floor, while the lower back remains pressed against it.
  • Try not to press your chin to your neck and not to pull yourself up with your hands.

Repeat 30 times.


So, we have five exercises for different parts of the body — this is one circle. For effective training, it is necessary to perform three such circles, and after that it is necessary to restore breathing and do stretching exercises, thus completing a home workout.

In order not to lose shape in the off—season, it is necessary to train regularly - at least 3-4 times a week — and monitor nutrition. And to make the training process even more effective, I advise you to contact a coach, because under the supervision of a specialist, classes are much better and easier.

Source:  championat

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