How to return to sports after the holidays without harm to health? The coach answers

Fitness·07 January, 2023

A week's break will not affect muscle tone, but there are nuances.

New Year's holidays are a great chance to relax, relax, have fun with friends and forget about everything. Many people want to not think about the gym for a week. And how, after such a break, to return to the mat and dumbbells again?

A week's break will not greatly affect the state of muscle tone. But it can greatly affect the development of physical qualities, in particular strength. There is a concept of "supercompensation" in sports. In simple terms, this is when you came to the gym and barely lifted the 8 kg kettlebell three times, the next time this kettlebell became a little lighter, and the next time you already lifted it not three, but six times. That is, the power has increased.

The growth of your indicators is possible when the break between classes is three to four days for the same muscle group. If the interval between classes is seven or more days, no increase in strength will occur.

Anna Motina

World Class Fitness Trainer

It is worth returning to classes gradually. In no case should you start training with shock loads, take care of your heart and joints. The first workout should take place in a light mode, 50% of your usual load. Then you can gradually increase the volume and intensity of classes.

If a person has just started his classes before the New Year, he is not recommended to stop training for the New Year's week. The desire and motivation for further actions will disappear. Idleness is very relaxing. Athletes are motivated people, they can relax for a week.

If you have been lying all the holidays, not engaged in any active recreation, the respiratory and cardiovascular system needs to be put on alert.


It is not necessary to run to active group programs after the New Year holidays. It is better to start with classes with a calm pace, light cardio, yoga, body balance, body ballet. If the holidays were active and you managed to walk a lot, ski, skate or snowboard, you can immediately start intensive training without any problems.

Of course, it's better not to say goodbye to sports after the chimes, but it's not necessary to run to the gym. It's enough to walk a lot, do winter sports for your own pleasure. Such active weekends will not only help to avoid problems with returning to the training process, but also diversify your leisure time.

Source:  championat

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