These 5 mistakes in training do not allow you to pump up your abs. Pay attention to them

Fitness·18 January, 2023

The desired cubes will definitely appear if you adjust the nuances.

Alexey Ledenev

is a fighter of the league "Our Cause", world and European champion in judo, founder of the Judo League with Stars

The wrong choice of exercises and training program slows down the results in pumping cubes. If you can minimize or completely eliminate errors, you may see your abs appear even earlier than expected. Today I will tell you about the most typical of them.


You pump the press without increasing the load

It's exactly the same muscle as everyone else. But for some reason, most athletes perform exercises for other muscle groups with additional weights (barbell, dumbbells, exercise machines), and the press is pumped only with its own weight.

Of course, this will be enough for beginners, but as you progress, you need to either constantly increase the number of repetitions, or use other methods to increase the intensity — supersets, or use additional weight. The latter option is optimal, because it will not be possible to increase the number of repetitions indefinitely.


You don't involve other muscles in the work

Do not forget about multi-joint exercises, if you perform strictly isolated exercises for the abdominal muscles, you are making a big mistake. Basic exercises, such as deadlift, squats and bench press, involve every muscle of your torso. Don't forget to include them in your training program.

You don't let yourself rest after training

Abdominal muscles also need time to recover. When they work hard, a few days of respite is simply necessary. If you can force yourself one day and wake up the next and be ready for more, it means that your loads do not affect the muscles of the press as much as they should.

Try to complicate the movements. Performing only traditional exercises on the press will not always give results, so change exercises and loads. To reach the maximum, it is necessary to periodically "shock" the muscles.

You neglect pumping your back muscles

Many neglect the muscles of the lower back — the support of the back and the whole body. Make sure you train them as well as all the other muscles.

If you want to have a strong abs, swing your lower back. This also works the other way: if you want to have a strong, and most importantly – a healthy back, swing the press. It strengthens the torso and relieves some of the load from the back, which we receive daily during the day.


What should I do to make cubes appear on my stomach?

  • In any exercise, concentrate on the work of the press, imagine the contraction of the muscle with each repetition.
  • In the negative phase, do not relax, go through it slowly and under control.
  • Do not rest in the starting position, immediately start a new repetition.
  • Do not get distracted and do not talk during the approach.

As a result, if done correctly, you will feel the necessary burning sensation after 12-20 repetitions.

The myth that abs exercises will help burn belly fat has long been dispelled. But nevertheless, videos like "How to remove the stomach in just 10 minutes a day" are still very popular.

In fact, no exercise burns fat locally. And even if you repeat the loads on the press a hundred or even a thousand times, it will not manifest. A raised belly is primarily a calorie deficit. No wonder they say that the press is born in the kitchen. You should not only develop strong muscles, but also reduce the percentage of fat in your body. Then your abs will finally "come out of the shadows"!

Source:  championat

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