Why make a hitch after a workout. This part is neglected by many, but in vain

Fitness·19 January, 2023

Do not ignore it if you want to have good health.

The workout does not end with the main exercises, it should have a logical conclusion. The ideal point would be a hitch. We understand why it is needed and what it should include.

Anna Motina

World Class Coach

A hitch after power work is usually a small complex of stretching for all muscle groups. Stay in each position for 30-40 seconds.



Why make a hitch

The main task of the hitch is to reduce the heart rate. During the training load, the work of the heart increases significantly, the "muscle pump" comes to his aid. A "muscle pump" is a rhythmic contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscles that helps push venous blood upward. So, if you abruptly stop muscle contraction, for example, after a long run, blood will linger in the large venous vessels of the legs, which will lead to a decrease in blood pressure, and then to fainting.

The second task is to normalize breathing. The respiratory rate is directly related to the heart rate. Breathing helps to enrich the blood with oxygen, as well as the removal of carbon dioxide. During the hitch, we enable the body to switch from active breathing to normal, gradually reducing oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide excretion.

Another task is the relaxation of muscle fibers. Not to say that the hitch improves the flexibility of the body, but definitely gives the muscles the opportunity to regain their elasticity. This is especially true in power sports.

How long should the hitch last

The duration of the hitch depends on the training load. The average is 5-10 minutes. As a hitch, a cardio machine can be used, and stretching exercises, or maybe a combination of different types, it depends on the workout.

There are many interesting training programs on the treadmill, at the end of each such program, the simulator automatically transfers a person to a 3-5-minute hitch, gradually reducing the pace and slope of the track. If a person chooses cardio training without a special program, the recommendations for a hitch will be for a smooth decrease in the speed of movement until the breathing becomes smooth and calm. It is important to do this smoothly, without reducing the intensity dramatically.

If you want to choose light exercises, here is a small complex that will help you complete the workout correctly.

Stretching the arm

Technique of execution

  • Stand up, straighten your back, direct your gaze forward.
  • Raise your right arm up, bend it at the elbow, directing the palm to the shoulder blades.
  • Grasp the right elbow with your left hand, try to shift it to the median line with light pressing movements. Hold the position for 30-40 seconds.
  • Change hands and repeat the exercise.

Mixing of the blades

Technique of execution

  • Stand up straight, raise your arms up to the sides, bend them at the elbows to the "Surrender" position.
  • In this position, bring the shoulder blades together as much as possible.
  • Hold it for 30-40 seconds, and then relax.

Stretching the legs

Technique of execution

  • Stand up straight, bend your right leg at the knee, pulling the heel to the buttock. You can wrap your hand around the foot.
  • Keep the balance and pull the leg as much as possible.
  • Hold the position for 30-40 seconds, and then change the leg and repeat.

The fold

Technique of execution

  • Sit up straight, put your legs together and stretch forward.
  • Perform a forward tilt with a straight back, try to reach the socks.
  • Make sure that the back is not rounded.
  • Stretch for 30-40 seconds.

A fold with a wide spreading of the legs

Technique of execution

  • Sit up straight, stretch your legs and spread them apart.
  • Tilt your body forward, keep your back straight.
  • Try to reach as far as possible and lower your stomach to the floor first, not your chest.
  • Do it for 30-40 seconds.


Technique of execution

  • Lie on your back, pull your bent knees up to your chest.
  • Wrap your arms around your legs.
  • Make a few swaying movements back and forth, relaxing the lower back.
  • Do it for 30-40 seconds.

Also, a good completion of the lesson will be the performance of several breathing exercises. For example, a deep breath and a deep exhalation for four counts, performed for 30 seconds. Now you know why you need a hitch and how to do it. Therefore, when completing a cycle of exercises, think about your body.

Source:  championat

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