Will it be any good if you train only on weekends? A professional athlete answers

Fitness·27 декабря, 2022

Classes on Saturday and Sunday have many advantages.


Alexey Ledenev

is a fighter of the league "Our Cause", world and European champion in judo, founder of the Judo League with Stars
As a professional fighter and athlete with a long-term career, I love to train on weekends. A day off provides an excellent opportunity to arrange a comfortable workout. As a rule, we are not in a hurry and can fully devote ourselves to the occupation and pay a lot of attention to our body.

Those who work hard during the week dream of lying down and resting on weekends. But such a lifestyle kills energy, deprives strength and desire to organize leisure. Sports on a day off will give you a boost of energy. You will be able to cope more easily with physical activity and fatigue on weekdays, and you will also increase your efficiency.

I've been training every day for the last few years. And when I was in the Russian national judo team, I trained two or three times a day, depending on the cycle of preparation for competitions. But not all athletes go into professional sports with their heads, and many are just beginning to join the training process.

As one of the respected scientific publications in the UK notes, even one workout a week can reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke. If possible, it is better to train more often. After all, in motion we feel better not only physically, but also psychologically.

What are the advantages of weekend workouts?

It is now becoming fashionable to practice on Saturday and Sunday. In this approach to training, it is important not to miss them, but to make them part of the entertainment program for the weekend.

Many have long been accustomed to such a schedule, because it helps to start a productive vacation, so as not to lie on the couch all day.

Sports clubs now offer weekend fitness to visitors. This is very convenient, since there is not always time and desire to go to training after hard work. And sports on weekends gives you the opportunity to diversify your vacation and strengthen your health. First of all, this is economy. You will not lose money if you are unable to visit the gym during the week. And the cost of such a subscription is lower than the standard one.

Another advantage is that you will reduce the risk of overeating on Saturday and Sunday. Moderate physical activity not only helps to get the body in good shape, but also improves well-being.


How to train properly on the weekend?

It is best to devote Saturday to loads on the upper part of the body, and Sunday to the lower. Workouts need to be supplemented with cardio exercises for fat burning and power loads for working out muscles. Then you will be able to get the maximum benefit from weekend workouts.

It is very important not to overload yourself and not to bring the body to exhaustion. Increase your training pace gradually. Thoughtless fanaticism in sports does not lead to anything good. Especially if your physical fitness leaves much to be desired.

The benefits of weekend classes will increase significantly if you make adjustments to your daily routine. Supplement your workouts with daily moderate physical activity. Do light exercises in the morning, pick up a set of exercises that you can do at home.

The active mode of the day will help to keep fit and consolidate the result. The key to success is constant movement. Try to carve out some time at work during your lunch break and walk at a brisk pace or get into the habit of evening walks.

I think it's better to do something than nothing. And this primarily applies to sports and a healthy lifestyle! If you really don't have the opportunity to fully train on weekdays, of course, weekend workouts will be your salvation.

After all, instead of doing nothing, you will pay attention to yourself and your health at least a couple of days a week. And that's something! Go ahead and everything will work out.

Источник:  championat.com

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