How to get up at 5 in the morning and at the same time feel cheerful? Says the somnologist

Health·17 January, 2023

And you won't even need coffee.

Sleep is the key to a good mood and a wonderful day. But the downed mode does not bode well.

Evgeny Ilchenko

psychiatrist, psychotherapist, somnologist, lecturer of the Department of I. I. Mechnikov NWSMU

Habit is second nature. It is important to observe hygiene and sleep patterns, go to bed and get up at the same time.



To feel cheerful at 5:00, it is important to calculate the time at which you need to go to bed. To do this, you need to rewind seven to eight hours from the time of awakening. It turns out that by 22:00 it is already necessary to go to bed.

Another important rule for quality sleep, which will avoid a difficult awakening, is to exclude TV and gadgets an hour before a night's rest. This will allow you to gradually enter a calm state, and sleep will be stronger and healthier.


To spend an evening with the benefits of sleep, it is better to go for a walk in the fresh air, listen to the sounds of white noise, which have soothing properties and help to relax, or conduct an autogenic workout, under the influence of which emotional tension and fatigue are reduced.

To get enough sleep tomorrow, you need to go to bed today. It is stability that first of all helps to develop a regime.

It is not necessary to shift responsibility to something beyond your control. The genetic factor has been considered before, but has not been proven.

Analyze your day, and you may notice that you spent half the night on social networks, watching TV and playing. This only leads to irritation and fatigue.

It is also worth remembering that not only the amount of sleep is important, but also the quality. If the REM phase of sleep is disturbed (the phase of rapid eye movement), then even after eight to nine hours of night rest in the morning there will be fatigue and fatigue.

Rem sleep phases account for 20-25% of night sleep and are responsible for analyzing the information received. The exact causes of the violation of this process are unknown and may be associated with some diseases.

You should pay attention to symptoms such as constant drowsiness, headaches, irritability, poor concentration of attention. A specialist's consultation is needed here.


Depressive disorder can also affect night rest when cortisol production is disrupted. At the same time, night awakenings are possible, there is a decline in strength and mood. In this case, it is also worth contacting a psychotherapist-somnologist.

You need to work on the quality of sleep, as well as on other aspects of life. In order to develop a habit, it is important to exercise self-control. Follow these tips and sleep well!

Source:  championat

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