3 Reasons Why You Can't Do Push-Ups Properly and a Lot

Lifestyle·19 January, 2023

Consider these nuances, and the exercise will give in to you very soon.

Egor Khodyrev

fitness trainer

Why can't I do push-ups and what to do about it?



Push–ups are a basic exercise that pumps the upper body. They train the pectoral muscles, triceps, shoulders, front teeth and abs. However, some push-ups do not lend themselves in any way, no matter how much they train.

What is important to know about push-ups

The main nuances in this exercise are the angle of bending and the direction of the elbows. When you drop too low, the shoulder joints get an excessive load. So you "kill" the shoulder cuff. The elbows should be pressed slightly against the body, and their angle at the bottom point should be 90 degrees.

What is good about push-ups

  • No special equipment is required.
  • The risk of injury is minimal.
  • Several muscle groups work.
  • Effective for both beginners and high-level athletes.
  • The results are noticeable already in the first month of training.
  • The cardiovascular system is strengthened.
  • The speed of impact increases.
  • Increases stamina.

What prevents you from doing push-ups properly and a lot

You don't know how to lower and lower your shoulder blades. The shoulder blades are small flat bones on the back, to which 17 muscles are attached. One of the functions of the blades is retraction, that is, taking them down and bringing them together.

Firstly, the ability to reduce and lower the shoulder blades makes the exercise easier. The design of the upper body due to retraction becomes tougher, because a large number of muscles are involved in the work. Secondly, retraction fixes the humerus in the joint and protects it from injury. They can appear if the humerus is too mobile. Injuries manifest themselves after a while and require a long rehabilitation.

How to check the retraction

  • Stand with your back straight, your gaze directed forward.
  • Bring your chest forward, and bring your shoulder blades together and lower them down. The shoulders should not rise to the ears.
  • Control this position. The shoulder blades should remain in this position throughout the exercise.

You have weak triceps. Frail triceps will not give you a full push-up, because they are responsible for the extension of the arms when lifting to the top point. Pay attention to exercises that will make the triceps stronger.

Excess weight. You have gained weight at which the muscles cannot do their job effectively. Adjust your lifestyle. Perhaps those extra 3-5 kg prevent you from doing push-ups.

Source:  championat

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