How can pull-ups on a horizontal bar be harmful? 3 cases when it is better not to approach it

Lifestyle·19 January, 2023

It is important to take into account some features of the body.

Egor Khodyrev

fitness trainer

When can a horizontal bar harm your health? How to make crossbar workouts useful?



Exercises on the horizontal bar are very effective for pumping the muscles of the back and arms. However, you can engage in harm if you ignore some of the features of training and your body.

When pull-ups can hurt

In case of non-compliance with the technique

When training on the horizontal bar, the shoulder joint and shoulder blades receive a strong load. In the position of the raised arm, the joint reaches an extreme amplitude of movement. Any extreme amplitude is not good for joint health. Add to this ignoring the correct technique of performing exercises, and you will get pain in the upper body and a decrease in athletic performance.

With injuries that are not completely healed

If you have pain in your shoulder, I recommend healing the injuries so that the horizontal bar brings benefits, not harm. I advise healthy people to plan training competently, observe the principles of gradualness, periodization and exercise technique.

For acute pain in the back, neck and lower back

If there are acute pains in the neck, thoracic region or lower back, training on the horizontal bar will be harmful. When hanging on the crossbar, the muscles that attach to the pelvis and are responsible for hip flexion stretch. This leads to an imbalance in the body, which increases the deflection in the lower back. She, in turn, overstresses, and this can cause pain or stiffness in any part of the spine, especially in the lumbar.


How to make a workout on the horizontal bar useful

Follow the correct technique. Learn how to do vis on a horizontal bar, what is the difference between a wide grip and a narrow one. Understanding this will help you achieve an athletic body, avoid injury and progress for many years.

Consult with a trainer or a physical therapy doctor. The test results will allow you to identify contraindications and your individual body characteristics. Someone will need to work on the mobility of the shoulder blades before starting pull-ups, and someone will completely replace the horizontal bar with simulators.

Carefully climb down from the horizontal bar. Jumping off the horizontal bar is extremely harmful to the intervertebral discs. No need to be shy to climb down the stairs carefully. This way you will keep your spine healthy.

Do a warm-up. This is the rule for all exercises. Warm-up increases the effectiveness of training and protects against injury.

Make training on the horizontal bar as useful as possible for your health. To do this, follow these principles so that in the future you have a strong body and healthy joints. Injuries usually manifest themselves after years, so study this information in advance to know what harm you can get from training on the horizontal bar and how to avoid it.


Source:  championat

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