How to decipher the results of the InBody test yourself

Lifestyle·18 January, 2023

This device will help you track your progress in sports.

The most common scales, which everyone probably has, show only weight. But this indicator does not give a clear understanding of the state of the body. For more accurate measurements, different methods are used, for example, the InBody test.

With this device, you can get a very detailed summary of the state of the body, understand how effective training is and where to move on. By the way, he is in some fitness clubs, maybe you are lucky and you are already familiar with him.

Elena Skoblova

supervisor and master trainer of the World Class Tula gym

Testing can be done once a month for those who want to track changes in their figure and body composition, as well as the effectiveness of training and nutrition.


How is testing going

Testing includes weighing with bioimpedance – a procedure during which a current pulse passes through the body, each tissue of the body reacts differently to it, based on the results of this reaction, the device draws conclusions about the state of the body. You will need to stand on a special platform with bare feet and grasp the handles with both hands. After that, the device will scan you in all parameters.

What indicators are worth paying attention to

Different tests produce results in different formats, but it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • water;
  • total body weight;
  • muscle mass;
  • fat mass;
  • the ratio of the right and left parts of the body;
  • the level of metabolism.

Start your analysis with the water level in the body. Its lack can lead to dehydration and, as a result, to spasms and cramps in the muscles. Track this parameter. If you suddenly find that there is not enough water in the body, pay attention to the amount of liquid consumed during the day.

Next, pay attention to the total body weight and fat mass – they are the main indicators for the selection of nutrition and training. Together with the level of metabolism, you can make a diet with a certain number of calories, depending on your physical fitness and individual needs.

Muscle mass can also be found with this analysis, it should be monitored in conjunction with fat. With proper nutrition and competent training, muscle mass increases, and fat decreases.


The ratio of different body segments should also be taken into account. Make sure that they are in balance. To do this, you can adjust the training plan.

Pay attention to the level of protein and minerals. In case of deviation from the norm in a smaller direction, a vitamin and mineral complex should be drunk. But it is better to consult a doctor before this and take additional tests.

Source:  championat

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