These 4 simple exercises at the right moment can save your life

Lifestyle·18 January, 2023

In such circumstances, the one who is better physically prepared always wins.

Egor Khodyrev

fitness trainer

What exercises will help in an extreme situation?



Each of us has extreme situations in our lives. You never know when you will have to run away from someone or escape from an aggressive dog in a tree. In such situations, the one who is better physically prepared wins.

If you want to always be prepared for unforeseen circumstances, you need to train and do exercises of different directions that will develop strength, endurance, agility, flexibility and speed. A high level of development of these physical qualities will help to successfully cope with different situations.

Set a goal to increase overall physical fitness in order to become comprehensively developed. Narrow specialization and the development of one quality to the detriment of the others should be avoided.

If you want to become a master of sports in powerlifting and run marathon distances like a track and field athlete, I have to disappoint you. This does not happen. Your strength and speed will be at a high level, but your endurance will weaken.

How to develop five basic physical qualities

For the development of general endurance, long running, cross-country running, skiing, skating, cycling, swimming, games are used.

To develop strength, pull-ups on the crossbar, push-ups on the bars, lifting straight legs in a hang on the crossbar, exercises with dumbbells and a barbell, exercises on special simulators are used.

Coordination exercises are used to develop dexterity. For example, exercises on gymnastic equipment or on an unstable surface, martial arts, game sports and much more.

To develop flexibility, exercises are used that can increase the amplitude of movement and help achieve high mobility in the joints. For example, stretching the muscles of the legs and back, exercises for the mobility of the spine.

For the development of speed, short-distance running, outdoor sports, projectile throwing, various exercises at a high pace or sharpness are used. Training to increase the level of general physical fitness.

And now we offer you four basic exercises that will help in extreme situations. They are aimed at pumping large muscle groups and developing their strength and coordination. All exercises should be done with a short rest period, which contributes to the development of endurance.

Explosive jumps from a deep saddle

Technique of execution

  • Put your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your feet 45 degrees. Bend slightly in the lower back, keep your back straight. The gaze is directed forward.
  • Lower the shoulder blades down, bring them together and fix them in this position.
  • Inhale, from a standing position, do a deep squat with a straight back.
  • From the bottom point, make an explosive jump up and exhale quickly.
  • Land on your toes while bending your knees at the same time.

Perform three sets of 25 times. Rest between sets is one minute.


Pull - ups

Technique of execution

  • Grab the horizontal bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. Before pulling up, lower the shoulder blades down and bring them together. Push your chest forward.
  • As you exhale, pull the upper part of your chest towards the crossbar with a powerful movement.
  • Try to squeeze the horizontal bar tightly in order to better include the muscles of the arms in the work.
  • Make a movement by withdrawing your elbows, bring your shoulder blades together.
  • As you inhale, gently lower yourself to the starting position.

Perform three sets of 5-10 times. Rest between sets is one minute.


Lunges with a swing of the foot forward

Technique of execution

  • The back is straight with a slight deflection in the lower back, tilted to the floor. Shoulder blades together, chest forward.
  • Pull one leg back. It is used only to maintain balance.
  • Lower the shoulder blades down, bring them together and fix them in this position.
  • Take a deep breath and gently drop down to the parallel of the hip of the front leg with the floor.
  • With a powerful movement, push up, bring your back leg forward with a bent knee and exhale.
  • Pay attention to the position of the feet. They stand flat, do not fall in or out.

Perform three sets of 15 times. Rest between sets is one minute.


Push-ups on the uneven bars

Technique of execution

  • Grab the bars, the body is flat. The neck, back and hips are located on the same line. Legs together. Lower the shoulder blades down and bring them together.
  • As you inhale, gently lower your body to the bottom point, bending your elbows to an angle of 90 degrees.
  • On exhalation, straighten your arms, lifting the body to the upper point.
  • Try to exclude jerks and swinging legs.

Perform three sets of 15 times. Rest between sets is one minute.


Remember that the main task is to train and do exercises of different directions. For example, running, crossbar exercises, stretching, sports games. This will make you physically developed, and you can always be ready for any extreme situation.

Source:  championat

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