What exercises will help to remove cellulite. The coach named the 3 most effective

Lifestyle·16 January, 2023

Three good remedies will help in the fight against "orange peel".

Cellulite bothers many women, and complexes appear because of it. But this problem is very common, there is no need to be shy about it. If you want a more toned body, you will have to work on yourself and introduce new habits into life.

Anna Motina

World Class Coach

Cellulite is a physiological norm of a woman. The reason for its appearance is nature itself, or rather, estrogens. If it weren't for fashion magazines, then no one would make problems out of it. It is possible to make the skin smoother and tighter, but a woman will not be able to get rid of it completely.

To combat cellulite, three remedies come to the rescue:

  • physical activity;
  • massage;
  • proper drinking regime.

Physical activity is not three workouts per week for an hour, but regular exercise plus sufficient activity during the day. Long sitting in working and driving seats leads to stagnation of lymph and blood flow, which leads to swelling and looseness of the body.

The main rule is to move a lot and in a variety of ways. Next, we connect massage, preferably professional. A dry brush and a gouache scraper are great for home treatments. You can also pamper the body with wraps, they improve the turgor of the skin, that is, its elasticity. Proper drinking regime improves metabolic processes in the body, removes puffiness.

What exercises will help with cellulite

Two areas of fitness work best in the fight against cellulite: strength training and aerobic. Separately, of course. Strength training helps to gain muscle mass, the skin becomes denser and smoother.

Aerobic exercise contributes to the accelerated process of lipolysis, that is, you literally burn fat reserves. But it is worth remembering that you should not get carried away with cardio alone, the body without a strong muscular frame will be flabby.

If cellulite is mainly located in the thigh area, it is worth paying attention to strength exercises for the quadriceps of the thigh, the back of the thigh and buttocks. These include squats, deadlift, glute bridge and various kinds of lunges.


If cellulite is on the hands, it is worth strengthening the triceps muscle of the shoulder. The French bench press and any extension of the forearm will become assistants.

Well, if cellulite is in the abdominal area, there is only one way – diet. In this case, physical exercise is secondary, first of all you need to adjust the diet.

Do not worry if the problem of "orange peels" has affected you too. The main thing is to work on it. Balanced nutrition, sports and body care will help you achieve even and smooth skin.


Source:  championat

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