Here's how to cook cream cheese soup with broccoli. Step-by-step recipe from the chef

Nutrition·17 January, 2023

The perfect dish for a winter evening.

Evgeny Myasnikov

chef, author of the channel about food "Kostrishche"

Many people associate cheese soup with French cuisine, but the first mentions of this dish are found in Mexico and Switzerland. Today there are different options for making cheese soup, and I offer you my recipe.



  • broccoli: 250 g;
  • garlic: 1 clove;
  • fresh thyme: 1 sprig;
  • processed cheese ("Viola" or "President"): 300 g;
  • leek: 100 g;
  • chicken broth: 500 ml;
  • spinach: 50 g;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Step 1.

Disassemble the broccoli into inflorescences and rinse, then blanch in boiling water. To do this, bring the water to a boil, add a little salt and drop fresh broccoli into it.


Cook for three minutes on high heat and immediately throw the broccoli into ice water. Thus, the color of the vegetable will become bright and saturated.

If you use frozen broccoli, you need to defrost it at room temperature without a microwave, so as not to turn it into porridge.

Step 2.

Rinse the leeks thoroughly. Cut the white part into thin rings, the green part will not be needed.

Step 3.

Rinse the spinach. If you use freshly frozen spinach, you can defrost it in the microwave and squeeze it well from excess water.

Step 4.

In a saucepan, heat the melted butter (you can replace it with olive or linseed). Add broccoli, leek, garlic whole clove, thyme.


Saute for five to seven minutes, remove the garlic and thyme, and then pour in preheated broth.

The Council: instead of chicken broth, you can use vegetable or ordinary water.

Step 5.

Cook the soup on low heat until all the vegetables are fully cooked, add spinach, boil for another minute and punch in a blender until smooth.


Step 6.

Pour the finished mass into a saucepan, add the melted cheese, mix thoroughly with a whisk.

Step 7.

Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Bring to taste (salt and spices to taste).


Tip: I recommend bringing all mashed soups to taste at the very end, since the liquid is constantly evaporated, and the salt remains. It will be very tasty to eat this soup with crusty bread.


Source:  championat

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