How to balance winter nutrition so as not to get better by spring? Says a nutritionist

Nutrition·17 January, 2023

During the cold weather, it is important to maintain the health of the body from the inside.

Valeria Galkina

preventive medicine doctor, internist, nutritionist at the Biogena Clinic

We share recommendations on choosing the right products for seasonal nutrition.



What should be on the menu?

A balanced diet consists of three mandatory and one optional meal in the morning. More frequent meals are not recommended for everyone and are determined by a specialist. It is important to observe the drinking regime. The average rate of water per day is at least 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight.


The diet should be varied, but it is especially important to monitor the amount of protein and fat in the diet. On average, the daily protein requirement is at least 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. In athletes, this need is much higher and varies depending on the level of physical activity.

Do not forget that fiber and complex carbohydrates are important, but it is better to minimize simple carbohydrates. Do not get carried away with a lot of sweet fruits (grapes and tangerines), it is better to give preference to berries and vegetables.

It is especially important for children to get healthy vitamins and the necessary doses of protein and iodine. To do this, the child's diet should include fish (more than twice a week) and vegetables with fruits (300-400 g daily).


Due to new habits and the fast pace of life, there is not enough protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and active ingredients in the diet of a modern person.

In order to preserve energy and health not only now, but also in the future, supplements with biologically active substances should be present in the diet. For example, vitamin D will be useful to almost all residents of Russia due to the lack of sunlight. But a doctor's consultation is necessary here.

What should I give preference to in the winter season?

In cold weather, it is better to choose products that will help strengthen the immune system and make up for the lack of energy. For example, cabbage, especially Brussels sprouts, is an excellent source of vitamins A and C and is well stored at home.


Add more citrus fruits, vegetables and berries to the menu — frozen blueberries, currants and raspberries are perfect.

In the winter season, do not forget about healthy fats, which are necessary to maintain the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Include fish, healthy oils and nuts in your diet. During the cold season, choose omega-3 foods, such as cod liver, walnuts and chia seeds.


Antioxidants, immune boosters (for example, shiitake mushrooms) and minerals (nuts and seeds, seafood) will benefit in winter. But don't forget to consult with a specialist here, too.

Source:  championat

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